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*** Storefront Checkout is Open *** NEXT SHIPPING DATE IS FEB 25TH ***

*** Storefront Will be Closed Feb 25 thru March 19 - Please Plan Accordingly ***

Due to a prolonged Physical Injury recovery, Our Store will experience periodic (sometimes prolonged) Checkout Closures

STORE CLOSING - Storewide Clearance Sale - Items marked 'Special Buy, Closeout, Clearance, Final Sale' are not Returnable or Refundable

Privacy and Security

Items marked 'Special Buy, Closeout, Clearance, Final Sale' are not Returnable or Refundable

All information you provide us is kept in strict confidence. Four Corners USA is serious about your privacy and the security of your personal information. We recognize that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible and professional manner. All of the information that we obtain from you is used to securely process your Payment and Shipping your Order. Payment Information is not maintained on our servers per Credit Card Processing Standards. Under no circumstance do we rent, sell, or otherwise disclose any information about you or your account to third parties for any purpose including, but not limited to solicitation.

Use of Cookies

We try to keep our Website as simplistic as possible therefore limiting the use of many interactive web features. Minimal data is collected through the use of Cookies to ensure functionality and performance of our website as well as processing Orders, Payments and Shipping. Our website uses essential cookies to analyze our products, services and website operation system status. We do not provide any non-essential or personal information to third parties. By continuing you acknowledge our and agree to our Privacy Policy.


Four Corners USA, Inc. in no way promotes the use of our Website to children and does not knowingly sell or collect data from children as per the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998

Website Security

Shop with Confidence at FourCornersUSAonLine PCI Compliant Secure Checkout

Shop with Confidence knowing your information is protected when you shop at Four Corners USA. Our website uses a Secure Server (SSL) when you are accessing your Account, Shopping Cart and Checkout to encrypt all of your personal information. Our Security Certificate (SSL) uses the highest level industry standards and is among the best software available for secure e-commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal and payment information, so that it cannot be read or viewed as this information travels over the Internet.

For your personal safety, you should always be certain your device (computer/phone/pad) is on a private, secure network. Four Corners USA, Inc. cannot be responsible for insecure connections made through mobile devices and/or public WiFi connections that are not secured.

Understanding when you are on a Secure Website - During Check Out or while Registering you can easily identify when you are on our secure, privacy protected pages - the website address (URL) will contain the letter 's' - as in this example (https:) - the 'S' representing 'Secure'. To view the SSL Certificate simply click on the 'lock' symbol located in your Browser Address Bar.

All Security Certificates are monitored and tested regularly.

Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service

By accessing and use of this Website, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service including Policies regarding Payments, Returns, Warrantees, Refunds and Store Credits (found in Customer Service) as well as Copyright Infringement and Backlinks. Information herein is provided for the sole personal use of our Customers as an aid supporting products we offer for Sale.

When placing an Order with Four Corners USA Inc. you agree to provide accurate information including Billing/Shipping Information, Phone Contact and working E-mail. Orders placed with inaccurate information that prevents us from contacting you about your Order maybe subject to Cancellation. We will make an attempt to resend Order Confirmations if the e-mail address has an obvious typo error but will not request Approval through spam filters. Orders with E-mails that are deemed undeliverable will be Cancelled.

Any linking to Information or Images contained on the domain including all sub-domains is strictly prohibited without written authorization. Web Crawlers are strictly prohibited and are not permitted to access the domain including all sub-domains without written authorization. In addition, any activity that places undue usage or stress on our Website and/or Servers (maximum one single hit within 24 hour period) will constitute Unauthorized Permission and Four Corners USA, Inc. may pursue action/remedies permitted by Law. All rights reserved.

Desktop Computers and Mobile Devices such as Phones and Tablets view our Website differently and it is important you understand your personal device to enjoy your Web Shopping Experience. Our OnLine Shopping Catalog automatically converts to your device and we offer very detailed information for our Products and Services.

When submitting comments, you grant Four Corners USA, Inc. permission to use and publish your comments for the sole purpose of promotion. We do, however, fully respect your privacy and will never publish personal or identifying information.

Customer Letter Regarding Accurate Images of TurquoiseWe take great care in providing the most accurate information possible including measurements of our products, images to fully reflect accurate colors and helpful guides to assist our Customers in their decision making process.

Although we often receive comments regarding our accurate depiction of color, we share this letter as it is not so often we receive regular post these days.

Color may vary depending on your monitor and resolution which we have no control over. We do take various images in natural lighting and compare with product for accuracy.

Typographical errors may occur and we reserve the right to correct them without prior notice (and only before an Order is placed for any specific item).

Once an Order has been placed should we notice an error upon preparing your Order, we will contact you immediately to discuss or rectify any issue before shipping or to cancel the order if needed.

Four Corners USA Inc. reserves the right to (on rare occasion) modify or alter (of equal or higher value) Closeout Special Buy Final Sale merchandise such as but not limited to replace tarnished earwires/posts/clutches/clasps, watch faces as they sell etc.

Disclaimer: Please note that Javascript is used on a limited basis for certain functionality of our Website and should be enabled in your browser to properly navigate the website.

As part of our Security and Fraud Prevention, Cookies are also used for various functionality including to validate ISP activity but not used to alter your Shopping Experience based on your activity. Four Corners USA OnLine reserves the right to cancel any Order including but not limited to '$0' value transactions or '$0' Shipping Charges when 'Free Shipping' is not specifically expressed. 

Copyright - All Rights Reserved

Four Corners USA, Inc., a licensed Corporation, is the sole owner of the websites and as well as their respective subdomains. Information herein is provided for the use of our Customers as an aid supporting products we offer for Sale. ​Sharing of Information including but not limited to Articles, Products, Images is for personal use only and done without alteration or missing proper accreditation which includes but is not limited to the URL.

All Rights Reserved. Four Corners USA, Inc. is the Author and Original Creator of all Information, Titles, Pages, Logos and Images contained herein and therefore, protected by FL State and Federal Laws including but not limited to Copyright Law of the United States.

All dialogue and articles written throughout our website are Original Written Content compiled over years of experience and information obtained through personal conversations and relationships with the varied associates we have had the honor and pleasure of meeting, most of these relationships have remained the same for more than 20 years.

There is NO content on our Website that is obtained from any other publication without written consent and credits given. Four Corners USA, Inc. does NOT give implied consent for the use of any information or articles written on this website to be published on any other website or public media.

Four Corners USA, Inc. does not endorse or validate external websites or martketplaces that copy or duplicate any Articles or Content Information contained within, utilize any images, or reference our Products, Stones or Artists in comparison to merchandise, materials or silversmiths they are marketing as comparable or equal quality.

Four Corners USA, Inc. does NOT permit the following without Express Written Permission:

  1. Links to our Website including but not limited to Informational Articles, Products and Images for any reason other than personal use and sharing;
  2. Copying, Downloading or Use of Information including but not limited to Articles, Products, Titles and Images for any purpose other than personal use and sharing;
  3. Links to Products, Articles, Images or Guides by any Commercial Website including Marketplace Sellers;
  4. Any use of Information including but not limited to Product Titles, Dialog and/or Images on ANY website including but not limited to Blogs and Marketplace Stores/Shops is Strictly PROHIBITED.

In addition, any activity that places undue usage or stress on our Website and/or Servers as described above will constitute Unauthorized Permission and Four Corners USA, Inc. may pursue action/remedies permitted by Law. All rights reserved. 

No imagery or logos contained within this website or communications with Four Corners USA, Inc. may be used without Express Written Permission from Four Corners USA, Inc.

All Rights Reserved Four Corners USA OnLine